Monday, July 1, 2019

Came home from work today and had one of those freak out moments. Gus has some kind of spots all over his skin. I, of course, think the worse and start googling. Well, anyone that has ever googled an illness in humans knows that nothing you find is good. It’s the same with animals. I read things like sudden death and get to a vet immediately. I started to panic. I reached out to an online piggy group and posted pics. So, I got a few comments on what it could be. One of them was called dippity pig syndrome. This is what I originally thought it could be. It’s a rash on the skin. But the other symptoms, Gus didn’t have any of those. For example, not being able to stand, dipping his back, pain when touched. This is caused by stress apparently. Well, the only thing he had were the spots on his skin. He was eating and drinking just fine and when I was rubbing on him he acted like my normal sweet pig. The last thing someone mentioned to me on the site was that it looked like he had really dry skin, which he does and that her pig does this when he gets water droplets on him. Well, it rained a few minutes before I got home. So, I’m starting to relax. I went to check on him a few minutes ago and some of the spots are already fading. Whew!! I’m just hoping all of them are gone in the morning.  And now that I am talking about this, I did seem to notice a few spots on him a couple days ago but didn’t think anything of it because they went away so quickly. I am praying that really it is just the water droplets which means I just need to work on his skin in general.

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