Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Tonight I get home and I’m really tired. It’s also hot and I’m sweating so much working outside that it’s getting in my eyes. I’m kinda miserable already at this point, but there is still so much to do. At this point, I have only been in the donkey/goat pen checking on the worm situation. It is so much better. Thank goodness. I was getting concerned. I’m still giving them some stuff in food that they can have daily and not hurt them. Like I said though, it’s so much better. I loved on them and fed them. At this point, the pigs are screaming at me because they are hungry. I mean screaming and squealing. I make my way over there to feed them. I guess they knew I was really tired and was feeling stressed. I got to pet all of the little pigs and got to love on the big pigs. Spam even let me pet her for awhile. It’s days like this that make it all worth it. They make me smile and laugh so much. I needed them in my life and didn’t even know it. Some may think I’m crazy but they truly are my therapy.

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