Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Remember me buying baby pigs, even though I would rather rescue animals?? I was in a desperate situation, but looking back on that now, I could have never put a small pig in with Spam if Treat had not come home. I do think Spam would have killed the baby. She is still super aggressive. I am sad to say that she is getting a little better, but I think she will always be that way. That is what she knows and I think she is just the protector of Treat and now Gus. She still tries to bite me every once in awhile when I’m trying to pet one of the others. She will let me pet her a little bit not much. I’m getting off topic. The man I bought the pigs from contacted me this week. He had some bottle fed babies when I was there before that were not ready for home, but they are now and it sounds like he had a couple litters on the way. He was needing to find home for those babies. I have struggled with this. I need to rescue pigs but at the same time, what is going to happen to these pigs if someone doesn’t take them. I’m sure nothing because they are huge animal lovers and would not harm an animal at all. All of their animals are very well taken care of. Talked to my husband about it and he is all for me getting another baby pig. He secretly likes the babies. These little ones are very friendly since they have been fed by humans. My babies are still not friendly and I think if I got a friendly one, they may come around. That’s what happened with the big pigs. I’m so torn. What do I do?? Do I really need a 6th pig?? No, I don’t. The decision was this, he will contact me later this week if he still has the female. Now I’m just waiting to see. I think this is one of those bottle babies. So cute!!!

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