Monday, July 22, 2019

I know I have talked about this before, but it still surprises me. Until I had pigs, I really knew nothing about them. I mean absolutely nothing. It really amazes me the things I’ve been learning. I have been giving the pigs what I call pig pellets. They get the nutrients from the pellets they need. Yes, I switch it up, I’m sure you have seen them eating corn from time to time. I have learned not too terribly long ago that pigs need grass to help with their digestive systems. They don’t have grass in their pens so they rely on me to give it to them. Ronnie mowed today so there was grass everywhere. I was able to gather up a bunch to give to them. I swear they would rather eat grass than the feed. It’s so cute. When I don’t have grass, I do give them some hay to help with digestion. I have some for the next few days. It’s wet so I can’t store it because it will mold. They can’t eat molded grass on my watch. It would make them sick. They are so spoiled. They love it though so I will keep doing it for them.

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