Saturday, July 13, 2019

Update on the new babies on the farm. Brutus and Patsy. Patsy has been really depressed. This morning she was acting  like she didn’t really want anything to do with the other pigs, except Brutus. They aren’t apart for long. I’m glad I got them both. They needed each other. It’s really sad though, them being depressed. Patsy more than Brutus. They still aren’t sure of their surroundings and are just having a hard time. They refuse to use the dog house and have made a hole in the ground they are laying in. I’m working on it though. I did make sure they ate this morning and this afternoon. They did act better this afternoon. The tails are wagging some and they seem to know their names. They are getting along better with Bacon bit and Pork Chop. They are even having conversations with Gus, Spam, and Treat through the fence. That’s really cute to hear. I hope they get acclimated to their surroundings soon so they will be happier. I want them to be happy here. It will take a little bit but I think they will be fine eventually.

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