Saturday, July 20, 2019

Today has been a good day. The family came down for lunch and of course to visit the animals. Like I have said, they are spoiled. Gma and Ampa brought more food for the goats and the donkey, which they ate up and fought over. Hilarious to watch. They went out to the pig pen. Gus walked on a leash great with Jodie. She was able to love on the big pigs and fed Cheerios to the little ones. Bacon bit is still the only one that will eat out of the hand but the others really want to. They are just nervous. My mom actually was able to pet Gus today while he was out of the pen. We sat out there for awhile with the pigs. It was the heat of the day so the donkey and the goats were in their cool spot and refused to come out. I went in the little pig pen and tried to catch one, but it was too hot for me and for them. This heat is awful. But, every animal got loved on today. I went in each pen and loved on all of them, well most of them. Attempted with the others. I still have the little pigs to win over and a goat.

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