Tuesday, July 23, 2019

I’m going to write a happy post now. A little weird but I was definitely happy. I did not go in the little pig pen today. I’m trying to get them to trust me, so if I just stand back and let them do their thing, it’s better. I do plan on still going in there, I just didn’t today. I’m giving them some space. They are such a mess, a hot one in this heat for sure. I did give them fresh water and all that. I promise I didn’t neglect them today. I didn’t know if I really wanted to do my last check of the night earlier. I was tired and the boots I’ve been wearing everyday has been bothering my foot pretty bad. I had almost decided to not go out there again tonight but decided I needed to. They like routine. Pigs are very smart and know when you are supposed to be there. You better show up because they will let you know when you don’t. They make a squealing noise when they see you again letting you know that they are mad at you. It’s actually cute but I know they don’t like it. So, I went out there and gave the big pigs a little more petting and then I went over to the smaller pigs. I stuck my hand in, they never come to me, but I got a surprise tonight. When I stuck my hand in, Bacon bit came to me!!! She was so weird though because she started trying to suck on my finger!! Weird, right?!?! I sure thought so. She didn’t do it long but it’s another win for me. Still progressing with these pigs. They are getting closer to me so it’s just a matter of time. They watch me with the big pigs also. I think that means they know I’m not going to hurt them. Progress.

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