Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Well, I got another call about taking more pigs. A friend of mine texted me about someone who lived close to me that needed to rehome her 3 1 year old pot belly pigs. I thought about it for awhile. I’m not a rescue and didn’t know if I had room. I really didn’t know what to do. I have such a heart for animals and don’t want them to suffer. I asked my husband, and he knows me well, he said do what you want because you will anyway. That makes me laugh because that’s what I tell him. I little while later, I couldn’t let it go. I thought, if I have to I will just put them in the big pen with the goats and stuff until I can figure out where to put them. I contacted the lady and asked her what was going on. She seemed a little upset and said the city was going to fine her, I see a lot of that going on lately. I asked her about the pigs and she just said someone was on the way to get them. Me, I’m a little relieved about this because seriously, what am I going to do with 8 pigs?? I’m not a rescue. It looks like I should be, but there really is no way for me to do that. Today, I get the call from that same friend saying that the lady still needed a home for them and they had to go today. Breaks my heart a little. I could have helped on Sunday, but hubby left to go back to work and I can’t get 3 pot belly pigs here on my own. I think what’s even sadder is knowing people get animals and can’t make a forever home for them. It hurts me for them. My animals have forever homes.

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