Monday, July 22, 2019

As I was scrolling through pictures of my crazy life with all of these animals, I realized one of the piggy pictures trying to give kisses is actually Spam!!!! And now that I have seen the pictures again, I remember this. She was actually going to give me a piggy kiss, but I got nervous!! She is calming down but she is still aggressive. She likes to snap at you, even without a reason. If you get in her personal space and she doesn’t want you to, she will snap. If you are giving the other pigs (especially Treat) any attention and she doesn’t want you to, she will snap. If you are standing in a spot and she doesn’t want you to, she will snap. You get the idea. She never did give me a kiss, but that was my fault. She isn’t easy with anything. I love her and she knows it. She is getting so much better here lately. I am going to work on this some more and see what happens.

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