Monday, July 1, 2019

I’m sure you all know pigs love to eat. Such the saying, eating like a pig. Pot belly pigs are like humans though, and I’m sure a lot of other animals, if they eat too much bad things can happen. In a pot belly pig, they can develop heart and joint problems if they are overweight, just like a human. Also in that, and don’t laugh, pigs can get what’s known as fat blindness. It’s literally they are so overweight that around their eyes is so fat they can’t see. It’s really a sad sight, can be funny, but in reality it’s not funny. It means that pig is struggling and needs help. In saying all of that, my point is, pigs love to eat. When I come out with food, I always feed Bacon bit and Pork chop first. The other pigs pink at me and cause such a fuss until they are fed. I do limit their food since I don’t want health problems for my pigs. I want them taken care of. In reality though, it’s really a funny sight.

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