Monday, July 1, 2019

My husband isn’t the kind of animal person I am. Sure, he likes animals alright, but he isn’t an animal fanatic like I am. He can take them or leave them, leaning more toward the leaving them. Hahahaha!! They can be a problem. They can be expensive. They can tear stuff up. They can get on your nerves. The list can go on and on. Anyway. I said all of that to say this. My husband might not be a huge fan of animals, but he would do anything in the world for me. He borrows trailers to go pick up animals, he builds shelters, he buys food, etc. The pigs are definitely not his favorite creatures, but I think they might be growing on him. He was actually petting on Gus. He did try to pet Spam and Treat, but that didn’t happen. They really aren’t friendly. I pet them, but I think I have tried so much that they are just giving in. Like ok, the sooner she pets us, the sooner she will leave.

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