Thursday, July 4, 2019

Current situation with all the fireworks here on the farm. Had to take extra precautions with the little pigs since they were trying to dig out in one spot, stakes are down now and they are asleep in their house. The bigger pigs were running around like crazy for a bit, apparently they are worn out and now asleep in their house. The donkey hates the fireworks and ran around until he finally settled down in his house. The goats don’t like it either but are also now in their house, calm for now. My cats are hiding and the dogs are huddled down in the house from fear. Happy 4th of July. I will be checking on all these animals until the fireworks finally stop. I know people love fireworks and all. I’m not judging. I just wish people would think about others, especially when there are farm animals everywhere around here. I honestly didn’t think they would be this scared, they aren’t this scared of gun shots. But they are for sure. I don’t know how to help them. Breaks my heart. I truly hope nothing happens to them due to the stress they are under at this moment.

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