Sunday, July 7, 2019

Since we started getting animals on the farm, my sister has been making me a bunch of shirts. I absolutely love it!! I love animals so much and so does she, so she is making me shirts that have the animals on it that I have on the farm. That makes it fun and it can be a conversation piece. When we started getting animals, I wanted to get alpacas... they are my favorite, or were, I really love pigs... anyway, I have an alpaca shirt also. I am still working toward getting alpacas, but haven’t yet. I’m sure it will come one day. And that excites me... or terrifies me, not sure yet. Anyway, my sis has an Etsy store and her shirts are amazing. I’m going to post some pics of these shirts. I wish everyone would buy one since they are so amazing. If you are reading this, go to her website and buy a shirt!! These are just a few examples that she has done for me. I have more, but they wouldn’t all fit on here. I love shiny and sparkles and she does that for me, too!! Etsy store called Arknadianmade.

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