Sunday, July 28, 2019

I’m sitting in the big pig pen and I look over and see the funniest thing. Pork chop has gotten his nose under one of the water bowls to root under it and he dumped out all of the water. He didn’t care the bowl was sitting on his head as he was rooting. As he does this, one of the other pigs, not sure if it was Patsy or Bacon bit, starts rolling around in the water Pork Chop just dumped out. Then, Pork Chop put the bowl down and got in it and tried to roll around in it, he is too big for that bowl and he had just dumped it all out. There was another bowl of water full right next to it that he could have gotten in. What was he thinking. To me, it was so funny!!! They really do make me laugh out loud. You never know what they are going to do. So comical to watch. I love them so much!! I filled the bowl back up and sprayed the pigs a bit to cool them down. It didn’t even phase them. They loved it.

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