Tuesday, July 30, 2019

I post so many pics and stories on here daily. The animals are amazing and the farm can be hard work. I was looking through pics and noticed most of my pics, my hair isn’t fixed, my makeup isn’t on or it’s smeared from sweat, and I have old looking clothes on. I will have you know, I do fix myself up and I do care for myself, also. The animals are my priority because they can’t care for themselves. I know I always have dirt on my face, before all of this farm life, I would have not been okay with that but now I know getting piggy kisses and them coming up to try to eat my hair or just get in my face is to let me know they care about me, too. I don’t mind the dirt on my face anymore. I have always hated having dirt on my hands, like truly hate it, but after petting on an animal that has been playing in the mud or one of the goats or the donkey has been rolling in dirt, I don’t mind that much anymore either. I have always hated to sweat also. It’s just no fun, but the animals make that worth it also. I just wanted people to know that are reading this, I do care for myself, too. I may not do it like I used to but I still do it. Farm life is way different than i has envisioned my it’s worth it and so much fun. Hard work but fun. At least I don’t have to carry buckets of water anymore.

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