Monday, July 1, 2019

Pretty sure I haven’t told this story yet and as I realize, I’ve posted so many stories that I really don’t want to go back through to find out if I have or not. This one is about Gus again. I’ve been telling a lot of stories about him, but he is my only friendly pig as I’m sure I’ve said a bunch of times. This is before I knew him very well and was just trying to get him to be comfy with me. So, one night I was petting on Gus and all of a sudden he just fell over. Literally just fell over. I thought I had killed him or something. He was stiff in his body and everything. The other pigs even cane to check on him. And then, he just jumped back up. I was thinking, ok, what just happened. So I kept petting him and rubbing on him and he did it again!! It was then I realized that he was rolling on his side so I could rub his belly. Sometimes I’m a little slow to figure things out. Anyway. I continued to rub his belly and he just loved it. Now he does it all the time and I understand what he is doing and why. Cracks me up that it scared me so bad the first time. But, I have no idea what I am doing with these pigs. I’m just learning as I go. They all have different personalities and are so much fun.

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