Thursday, July 11, 2019

I stand corrected... I really did not think my bigger pigs; Spam, Gus, and Treat liked the mud. They acted like they were disgusted standing in it, but I was wrong. It has rained around here quite a bit and there is so much mud everywhere for them. I guess it’s lucky, too, since the heat has been outrageous and then it pours down rain again and then gets super hot again. This is a crazy summer because of the weather. Anyway. I caught all of them playing in the mud. I think they are like teenagers and just want to pull one over on me so I would feel bad for them. Now it’s funny watching them. They are so muddy from head to toe. And, of course they won’t let me give them a bath. Remember, I’m still trying to socialize these pigs. It’s been months and months... I’m starting to think it won’t happen. They are slowly coming around though. One day at a time.

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