Monday, July 8, 2019

I get home from work today and my husband had already watered all the animals!! To top it all off, our neighbor had finished putting our hay into bales. We don’t keep them since they are the huge round ones. It’s easier for me to deal with the smaller square bales. But, he had one that was too small to use, so he just tossed it over to the donkey and goats. Win win situation. I go down to the pig pen and they are ready to eat. Like I can’t get it over to them fast enough. I fed the little ones first, some of the food they are given has to be cut up or torn up into smaller pieces since they can choke on bigger pieces of food. (See, I learn something new all the time.) Anyway. The bigger pigs are throwing a small tantrum. I took a video of them, imagine that?!?! They are so funny like this all of the time!! Get a pig, it will be fun... and it is!!

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