Tuesday, July 16, 2019

This morning I went into the bigger pig pen to feed them. I gave them food and loved on each of them a few minutes. I turn around and all four little pigs were watching me. They have been watching me a few days loving on the bigger pigs. So, this morning, after I left the big pig pen, I went to feed the little ones. When I got the food into the bowls, I attempted to touch them, to pet them. I want to so bad. They are still really scared but I was able to touch Patsy, Bacon bit and Pork Chop. Brutus want having it, of course, none of them stuck around and let me pet them, they all ran off but came right back as soon as I moved a little bit. They are getting closer each time. I know they are warming up. It’s just taking time. They are so cute!! Ronnie said he was going to work on the little pigs when he got home to try to get them to warm up.

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