Wednesday, July 17, 2019

I posted earlier in the week about 2 of my pigs that I rescued in March. If you haven’t read the whole blog, this was mentioned a couple times before but usually about Treat and not Spam. Well the sister, Spam of the one I posted about turned a corner today. She really has been so much harder than her sister. She watched everything that her sister, Treat went through and then she got mange also so she had to get sprayed. Then when her sister ran off all those times she was left without her and she was literally banging her nose against the chain link fence until there was blood. Poor baby. My heart broke for her. But she didn’t want comfort from me. I swear I tried. Well, she has been letting me pet her and then she would snap at me. She also snaps at me when I’m trying to love in the other pigs. Today Spam did the flop over for a belly rub!!! First time she has done this for me and there was no snapping. She even came back for more. Makes my heart happy. Love, time, and patience is all she needed. She is such a mess though. It has been rough with her. She has been through a lot in the few months I’ve had her. She has had trouble with depression when alone and she is just downright hateful sometimes. But, I love her and she makes me laugh, even when she snaps at me.

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