Thursday, July 4, 2019

I have a very sick dog at the moment. I’m worried about decisions having to be made. I mean we all know that dogs don’t live as long as humans but having to make decisions about them is no fun. I know I have mentioned my Maggie being sick. She has still been running around and eating well and all of that so we give her meds and let her be. I woke up yesterday morning and there was vomit everywhere. Not trying to be too graphic because that’s just not right, but I knew she hadn’t eaten the night before and had been drinking a ton of water so it was nothing but liquid.  Came home from work and it had happened again. She didn’t eat yesterday morning or evening. This morning same thing. This afternoon twice it happened again. She is still not eating anything to be sick, it’s just water. She has been going outside with the other 2 dogs and running around with them like usual but then she come back in and it’s like she can’t even move anymore. I know she doesn’t feel good and I have been in the floor loving on her and crying several times today. I don’t want her to suffer but I’ve had her for 9 years and it’s so hard to think about her not being here anymore. I’m hoping she gets better but if she continues this way, I’m going to have to make some hard decisions. She is so miserable at the moment that even writing this makes me cry.

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