Tuesday, July 16, 2019

So many things happen everyday that I cannot just post once. It’s like every animal pen has a story and I have to make a post about each one. Tonight is definitely one of those nights. I posted earlier about Cracker Jack and the goats.. well, I think I was wrong and now I’m feeling bad about it. I crawled over the fence tonight into their pen and none of them, well except lucky, would leave my side. It was like they couldn’t get enough petting. Poor things. I guess they are feeling neglected so I stayed in there awhile tonight. Cracker just wanted to be petted and petted. Romeo was jealous and actually bit me on the hind end. Not hard, just a nip. Hercules wanted petting, too and didn’t want it to stop. Lucky could care less. He doesn’t like any body except the other animals in his pen. Cracker tried to run me over while petting Hercules. He was jealous. It’s actually really funny. But, the reason I think they are feeling neglected is when I crawled out of the pen, cracker started running the fence line and then cried out. It was really sad. Guess I will start going back in there daily.

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