Sunday, July 7, 2019

We live in a dream world around here. We have our dream home, we have a hobby farm, and are happy as we can be... maybe as happy as pigs in mud... hahaha!! We have land and wildlife and beauty all around us. I cannot explain to you how great things are. Of course, it’s a lot of work, but for us, it’s worth it. Not too many people in life have their dreams come true, we are waiting on the barn, horses, and cattle and we will have it made. We have truly been blessed in this life we are living. It has taken us a lot of wrong turns and heartaches to get us to where we are now, but we are here. We are living the life we wanted. Nothing in life is perfect and you have to work hard for what you get but in the end, any dream is worth working for. I hope this post is an encouragement to anyone reading it. We have truly been blessed.

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