Tuesday, July 2, 2019

I’m going to tell you more of what I’ve learned lately on this crazy farm I call home.
Pigs can live up to twenty years... that’s so crazy!! Pigs love schedules. They are smarter than dogs. Pigs don’t trust easily and it takes forever to earn it. They have to be vaccinated just like dogs. They need wormed just like dogs. They struggle with mosquitoes and ticks also. If they are not fixed they will look for a mate forever and try to escape when in heat. They use their pools for a bathroom. They are as affectionate as dogs. They love fruits and vegetables but can be very picky about what they eat and what they don’t. They will not show weakness because they are prey animals so if they become sick, it could be a matter of life and death within days. They get bored just like dogs. They love to dig holes and root things up. They can remember people. They can find their way back home. Pigs have poor eyesight but amazing smell and hearing. They are actually amazing pets. They don’t smell bad and they can be litter boxed trained. I didn’t know any of this until I got a pig.. wait, 5 pigs. Still cannot believe I have 5 pot belly pigs. What am I doing with this farm?!?!

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