Sunday, July 7, 2019

I wrote about my poor Maggie yesterday or the day before. She has been so so sick. Lethargic, not eating, drinking so much more than normal, blood in vomit, vomit everywhere. We know she is a sick dog anyway with seizures and possible brain tumor so we thought, well maybe this is it. Well, we live out in the country and my dogs go everywhere around the property. For some reason they like the creek and the woods. About 5 days ago she was limping, I checked her feet and she had something in her paw, so I removed it and didn’t think more of it. She started getting sick the next day. And then I see her paw. It’s red and a little swollen and she yells when I touch it. It has 2 spots on it. I’m not sure if something stung her or the possibility that she was bitten by a snake. I feel so bad about not seeing it sooner. We got her some antibiotics from the feed store and she is acting more like herself. I started scrambling some eggs for her and she started eating again. She has not been sick in 24 hours now. Hoping she is on the mend. This poor thing has been SICK!!

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