Sunday, July 28, 2019

I have a whole new outlook on my big pigs. I love them so much still but today was a little wacky. I go out to sit with them and give them attention. Gus knows the drill well and the other two are learning it. I sit down and Gus immediately gets into my lap. He is used to being the only one that gets petted and loved on. Now that Treat and Sometimes Spam are warming up, he isn’t really sure what to do. He is so jealous!! It’s cute but could get out of hand if I let it. So, Gus is in my lap and I start petting Treat. She does the body flip and rolls over for belly rubs. She lays there for a long time. Gus is still in my lap and not happy I’m giving Treat any attention. He gets up and goes over to her and starts smelling her face. I think he was actually telling her to get up. He comes back over and lays next to me. I continue to try to pet them both and Gus isn’t having it. He then gets up in my face for kisses to make me stop giving treat attention. This is actually hilarious. Treat just stayed out and didn’t bother to get up. So Gus would go back to her and then he would come back to me. This went n for a long time. So, where is Spam during all of this?? She is roaming around the pen wanting nothing to do with any of it. She did come check on Gus and on Treat during all of this. Crazy pigs!! They are really something and their personalities are so great!!

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